Hi, I'm Victor

Software Engineer

I am a software engineer at Code for America. I am developing a web application for a justice-impacted population of ~3500 individuals. I leverage technology to make resources more accessible for everyone in the community. I am using Typescript, React, Nodejs, Postgres, Aptiblle, Twilio, and Mapbox in the current iteration of the application. I have gained experience in user testing, project management, user research, marketing, event hosting, video editing and more.

I have experience in AWS, MongoDB, Airtable, Smartsheets, MaterialUI, Azure, Python.

I am passionate about technology. I am always finding ways to sharpen my skill set and understand all that is out there. I am involved with a male leadership fitness organization called F3. I enjoy finding ways to give back to my community through technology, justice reform advocacy, fitness, education, and much more. I volunteer as a facilitator every Saturday for Defy Ventures a program that assists individuals in their entrepreneurial journey. I am sure that I can leverage my skills to benefit the advancement of your company. Feel free to reach out to me at victorasauceda@gmail.com at any time or schedule an appointment on my calendar
